_ Outstaffing _
Request us as your development partner to

Receive a technically skilled team

Expand your development capacity with additional resources

Save time and money

Get a qualified out-staffed team within the period of project duration

Skip the challenge of establishing smooth communication between the team members

Escape from disadvantages of in-house hiring

What is OutStaffing?
Outstaffing is a relatively new hiring model when a hired employee carries out all the job duties for a company (client) being officially employed by another company.
Take the advantage of outstaffing
Expand your development capacity with us and save yourself from the disadvantages of in-house hiring and outsourcing including time and money spent on recruitment.
When you refer to the service of outsourcing of tech talents you take the responsibility for hiring, training and integration into already existing team of the outsourced employee. In case of outstaffing, you are provided with a team of skilled professionals already integrated into a team with established communication and work culture.
As a company providing outstaffed employee(s), we are responsible for hiring and management of the staff you have requested to outstaff.
The payroll of the outstaffed employees is also our responsibility. Thus, the service of outstaffing is not only time saving but also reduces hiring costs for the requesting company.
The service of outstaffing we provide
Finding technically skilled professionals in the sphere of information technologies can be challenging at times. Request us as your development partner and we will provide you with a team of qualified, result-driven, and dedicated developers eager to accomplish challenging projects.

Advantages of Outstaffing
Some advantages of outstaffing are:

full control over the software development process

full access to any of the team members

no recruiting, training, administration and other HR-related activities required by the client
_ See our latest case studies _

Learning management platform
Smart Training
Learning management platform designed to deliver online training programs and track team’s progress.

Food delivery application
Food delivery application that ships food, beverages and household items to your door in the shortest time.

Website addressing mental health
My Mind
Website addressing mental health issues both for those who seek support and those who are willing to provide.

Cloud-based orthodontic software
Focus Ortho
Cloud-based orthodontic practice management software developed for the dental market across the US and Canada.

Employee recognition platform
Lucky Carrot
Lucky Carrot is an employee recognition and engagement platform helping employees to stay connected and fully engaged.